Lawson Family Cookbook

Gefilte Fish – Stacy Lawson

Stacy Lawson

7 balls/pound
10 pounds fish ( 1/2 salmon, 1/2 mixed)
7 eggs or 1 egg/pound
5-7 onions ( chopped fine in cuisinart)
2 carrots (chopped fine in cuisinart)
2 glasses water
matzo meal
salt and pepper (a touch of sugar)

Fish Stock
Quartered onions, sliced carrots, bones and fish heads, salt and pepper.  Cook 1-2 hours. Take everything out of broth before adding fishballs.

Chop fish, onions, carrots, add eggs, matzo meal and water until the right consistency.  Wash hands with cold water, make balls, add to lightly boiling fish stock.  Cook partially covered ~2 1/2 hours.  Make balls smaller – they plump!


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