Lawson Family Cookbook


Regina Eisenberg

I got this recipe from my friend Laura in Cleveland. Laura & her (now-ex) husband invited Gregg & I over for dinner…and made this brisket recipe for us that night. Laura got this recipe from her mom, who got it from her mom’s friend … who is David Schwimmer’s mom (Ross from the Friend’s show)! It all started one night in LA when David Schwimmer’s mom hosted a dinner & invited my friend Laura, her mom, & David (as well as other guests). I think somone was doing some matchmaking between Laura & David! Who knows….now that she’s single again maybe her & David can re-connect over brisket! J



2 lbs. brisket
2 onions, quartered
½ – 1 cup water
½ cup brown sugar
1 ½ cups sugar snap peas, uncooked
½ – 1 cup ketsup
3 tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoons worsteshire sauce
10-15 garlic cloves

Step 1:

Preheat oven at 400 degrees
Rinse brisket & remove as much fat as possible from brisket
In a casserole dish combine brisket, whole garlic, water, and onions & bake at 400 for 30 minutes, covered with foil.
Reduce heat to 300 and continue to cook covered for an additional 60-90 minutes.

Step 2:

Remove brisket pan from oven
Remove brisket from pan & slice brisket with electric knife (otherwise you will develop carpel tunnel!) & put back into pan when sliced.
From pan take the onions, garlic, water and put into Cuisinart & puree. Add sugar snap peas to the mixture & puree again. The mixture should be almost liquid. If needed add more water to puree.
To the pureed mixture add ketsup, brown sugar, worsteshire sauce & vinegar and mix/puree again.
Take pureed mixture & pour over brisket.
Cover and bake for another 2 hours. Add ketsup, brown sugar, worsteshire sauce as needed for taste.
(During the 2 hours, be sure to mix the sauce & “feed” the sauce in between the brisket slices to prevent dryness.)


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