Lawson Family Cookbook

Auntie Rosie’s Strudel

Linda (Lawson) Elman

This is the recipe I got from Auntie Rosie—it’s not exactly one of those precise recipes. You have to play with it. I found cutting the strudel into square before baking pretty challenging—but maybe you’ll have better luck.

The worst part of this strudel is that it doesn’t last very long—you just have to keep sampling it to make sure that it’s OK.

3 eggs
1 C brown sugar
½ C oil
Juice of 1 orange
1 t vanilla
2 t baking powder
3 C flour—(add until the dough is stiff enough to form a ball.)

Beat eggs & sugar. Add oil and flavorings. Add baking powder mixed with flour—add enough flour to create a dough stiff enough to form a ball.

Divide dough into five pieces. Roll out a layer (1) as thin as possible—no bigger than 9” X 12” and place in greased pan.

Sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar, and nuts. Add another layer (2) of dough, cover with plum jam. Add another layer (3) of cough and sprinkle with raisins. Add the next layer (4) and cover with nuts and jam. Add the final layer (5) of dough. Top with cinnamons sugar. Cut into squares before baking. Bake 1 hour in a 325 oven.


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