Lawson Family Cookbook

Dill Pickles – Stacy Lawson

Carrie Reibman’s recipe (friend of Rita Lawson)
As made by Debi Willner & Stacy Lawson and countless others…

In each jar:

6 chunks of garlic
1 red pepper broken in half
1 Tablespoon picking spice*
1 fresh dill head or more

*Remove Cinnamon bark, allspice, and cloves from mix as best you can.

**Boil 10 cups of water and add ½ cup salt. Reboil and cool completely. Use kosher salt or pickling salt.

Assemble jars: 1 lb pickles = 1 jar

Put dill in bottom on top of spice and peppers. Lay jar on side and slide cukes in vertically. Add water and make sure that cukes and dill are totally immersed.


Seal jars w/lids that have soaked in boiling water. Seal w/rings. Leave out of the refrigerator for 7-14 days and then refrigerate to keep the pickles crisp for longer.


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