Lawson Family Cookbook

Eggplant Lasagna

Debbie Lawson

Debbie's Eggplant Lasagna recipe
2 T butter
1/2 Cup chopped onion
4 Tomatoes
1/2 Cup chopped parsley
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp dried leaf oregano
1 tsp lemon juice
2 Cups creamed cottage cheese
1/4 C grated parmesan cheese
1 egg
2 eggplant
1/2 Cup flour
1/3 Cup salad oil
1/2 lb mozzarella cheese sliced
1) Melt butter, add onion and cook till tender.
Add tomatoes, 1/4 Cup parsley 1/2 tsp salt, sugar, 1/2 tsp pepper, oregano and lemon juice. Simmer 30 minutes uncovered. Remove from heat.

Melt cottage cheese, parmesan cheese, parsley, egg, salt and pepper.

Peel eggplant, cut in 1/2 inch slices, dust with flour, heat oil and brown

In a shallow 2 qt baking dish, arrange a layer of eggplant, spread with half of cottage cheese mixture. Spoon half of tomato sauce over cottage cheese and top with half of mozzarella cheese.

Repeat with remaining eggplant, cottage cheese, tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

Bake uncovered in pre-heated 350 degree oven 30 minutes.

Let stand 5 minutes before serving.


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