Lawson Family Cookbook

Matzo Meat Pie

Sissie Kotkins

8 pieces matzo 6 eggs beaten
1 onion chopped 1 lb. ground beef
1/2 cup parsley 3 tblsp oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Soak 4 pieces matzo in a bowl, squeeze then drain n paper towel. Add matzo to bowl and mix well.

Soak other 4 pices matzo in another bowl. Follow directions for first pieces of matzo.

Saute onion, ground beef, parsley and salt and pepper in oil.

In a 9×12 greased pan, spread first bowl of matzo mixture evenly o bottom of pan. Spread sauted meat mixture in middle of pan. Then spread second bowl of matzo mixture on top of meat mixture. Brush top mixture with egg if desired. Bake 350 degrees 45 to 50 minutes.

Cut into squares to serve.


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