Lawson Family Cookbook

Chicken Soup – Linda (Lawson) Elman

Chicken soup has been a mainstay of our life.  In fact, at many holiday dinners, the only thing that Josh Elman eats is the chicken soup!  I think this is my mothers recipe, but who knows where I learned to cook.  Again, making chicken soup is pretty flexible.  I’ve made it with a whole chicken, and I’ve made it with bones after boning whole breasts of chicken.  It always turns out pretty much the same.

One chicken
1 large onion
3-4 carrots
2-3 stalks of celery
Salt & pepper to taste

Put the chicken in a large pot.  Add onions, carrots, and celery and a tablespoon of salt.  Bring to a boil, cover and let simmer for an hour or so.  Remove the chicken & celery.  Mast the carrots either with a food mill, in the food processor or with a fork, and return them to the chicken broth.  Add salt and pepper to taste.



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